Tall Succulent plants

Get Acquainted with 12 Showstopping Tall Succulent plants - Part 2

It's time to get acquainted with 6 more tall succulent plants that will surely be the showstoppers in any garden. From tall and spiky, to tall and bushy, we have something for everyone!

These tall beauties can add a unique touch of drama to your outdoor space while still being easy-to-care-for. With their thick stems and fleshy leaves, they are perfect for adding texture and color to your garden beds or containers. So let’s take a look at some of our favorite tall succulents that you should definitely consider if you want an eye catching addition to your landscape.


Palmer’s Agave

Palmer’s Agave tall succulent plant

Palmer’s Agave tall succulent is the perfect solution for those looking for an easy-to-care-for tall variety of succulent. This evergreen shrub grows up to ten feet tall in optimal conditions and features long, slender stems densely packed with bright green leaves that turn reddish-orange when exposed to direct sunlight. In the springtime, it produces tall clusters of small yellow flowers which attract bees and other pollinators. To ensure your Palmer’s Agave tall succulents thrive, make sure they receive plenty of light during the day and have soil that drains quickly between waterings. Additionally, supplemental fertilization will help keep them healthy and growing well - use a fertilizer specifically for cacti and succulents every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, ensuring to dilute it by half as per package instructions. 


Eve’s Needle

Eve’s Needle tall succulent (Yucca filamentosa) is an evergreen shrub that can grow up to 15 feet in optimal conditions. Its tall stems are densely packed with long thin leaves which have deep grooves and threads along their edges, giving off a unique texture. In the springtime, tall clusters of small white flowers emerge at the top of the succulent and attract butterflies and other pollinators. To ensure your Eve’s Needle tall succulents thrive, make sure they receive plenty of light during the day and have soil that drains quickly between waterings. Additionally, supplemental fertilization will help keep them healthy and growing well - use a fertilizer specifically for cacti and succulents every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, ensuring to dilute it by half as per package instructions.

Eve’s Needle tall succulent plant

For those looking for an easy-to-care-for tall variety of succulent with a unique texture, look no further than Eve’s Needle tall succulent! The deep grooves along its thin leaves give this tall variety of succulent an interesting visual element while also reducing its water requirements significantly since they act as built-in drainage pathways. This tall variety of succulent thrives best in warm climates but can also be grown successfully indoors if you provide them with enough light throughout the day. It is important not to overwater Eve’s Needle tall succulents as too much water will cause root rot so make sure to only give them enough water when their soil has completely dried out between waterings. Additionally, these tall varieties of succulents prefer loose soil so be sure to mix in some sand or gravel into their potting mixture if it doesn't already contain it. With proper care and maintenance you should have no problem encouraging your tall Eve’s Needle tall succulent reach its maximum potential height!


Giant Agave

Giant Agave tall succulent plant

Giant Agave tall succulent (Agave gigantensis) is a unique tall variety of succulent that can grow up to 15 feet tall in optimal conditions. Its tall stems are densely packed with large light green leaves, each of which features a sharp point at the end, giving off an interesting visual element and making this tall variety of succulent particularly eye-catching. In the springtime, these tall succulents produce tall white spires of flowers that attract bees and other pollinators. 

To ensure your Giant Agave tall succulents thrive, make sure they receive plenty of bright light during the day - direct sunlight is preferred but not necessary - and have soil that drains quickly between waterings. Moreover, to maintain the health of cacti and succulents, give them supplemental fertilization every 2-4 weeks during the growing season. Use a fertilizer designed for these particular plants - just be sure to dilute it as per package instructions.

Additionally, Giant Agaves tend to be quite drought tolerant so don’t be afraid to let their soil dry out completely between waterings as overwatering can cause root rot. As these tall varieties of succulents prefer loose soil, make sure to mix in some sand or gravel into their potting mixture if it doesn't already contain it. With proper care and maintenance you should have no problem encouraging your tall Giant Agave tall succulent reach its maximum potential height!



African Milk Tree (Euphorbia trigona)

African Milk Tree tall succulent (Euphorbia trigona) is a tall variety of succulent that can grow up to 8 feet tall in optimal conditions. Its tall stems are densely packed with spiky leaves which are deep green in color and feature an interesting texture when touched. In the springtime, tall clusters of small white flowers emerge at the top of the succulent and attract butterflies and other pollinators. 

To ensure your African Milk Tree tall succulents thrive, make sure they receive plenty of light during the day - direct sunlight is ideal but not necessary - and have soil that drains quickly between waterings. Supplemental fertilization will help keep them healthy and growing well - use a fertilizer specifically for cacti and succulents every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, ensuring to dilute it by half as per package instructions. 

African Milk Tree

The African Milk Tree tall succulent has a few traits which make it stand out from other varieties. For instance, its tall stems are covered in long sharp thorns which give this tall variety of succulent a unique texture as well as act as natural protection from predators or pests. It also requires less frequent watering than most tall varieties of succulents as its thick spiky leaves help reduce water loss through evaporation significantly. To keep your African Milk Tree tall succulent healthy, allow its potting mix to dry out completely before thoroughly soaking it again - overwatering can cause root rot so avoid doing this too often!

Finally, be sure to mix in some sand or gravel into their potting mixture if it doesn't already contain it since these tall varieties of succulents prefer loose soil for optimal growth. With proper care and maintenance you should have no problem encouraging your African Milk Tree tall succulent reach its maximum potential height!


Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)

Ocotillo tall succulent (Fouquieria splendens) is a tall variety of succulent that can reach heights up to 10 feet tall in optimal conditions. Its tall stems are densely packed with sharp green leaves which give off an interesting visual element, as well as providing protection from predators or pests.

In the springtime, tall stalks of bright red flowers emerge at the top of the succulent, attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators. To ensure your Ocotillo tall succulents thrive, make sure they receive plenty of light during the day - direct sunlight is ideal but not necessary - and have soil that drains quickly between waterings. Supplemental fertilization will help keep them healthy and growing - use a fertilizer specifically for cacti and succulents every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, ensuring to dilute it by half as per package instructions.


What makes Ocotillo tall succulents special is their ability to survive in hostile environments, due to their tall stems which are covered in sharp thorns designed for storing moisture and protecting the plant’s delicate growth from predators or heat stress. To maintain their health, be sure to allow their potting mix to dry out completely between waterings since overwatering can cause root rot - this particular tall variety of succulent favors arid climates so it's important not to over-water! 

Additionally, make sure to mix in some sand or gravel into the potting mixture if it doesn't already contain it since these tall varieties of succulents prefer loose soil for optimal growth. With proper care and maintenance you should have no problem encouraging your Ocotillo tall succulent reach its maximum potential height!


Hedge Cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

Hedge Cactus (Epiphyllum oxypetalum) tall succulent is a tall variety of succulent has tall stems covered in sharp thorns which act as natural protection from predators or heat stress while also helping store moisture and reduce water loss through evaporation significantly. To ensure your Hedge Cactus tall succulents thrive, make sure they receive plenty of light during the day - direct sunlight is ideal but not necessary - and have soil that drains quickly between waterings. Supplemental fertilization will help keep them healthy and growing well - use a fertilizer specifically for cacti and succulents every 2-4 weeks during the growing season, ensuring to dilute it by half as per package instructions. Additionally, be sure to mix in some sand or gravel into their potting mixture if it doesn't already contain it since these tall varieties of succulents prefer loose soil for optimal growth.

Hedge Cactus

To maintain the health of your tall Hedge Cactus tall succulent, allow its potting mix to dry out completely before thoroughly soaking it again - overwatering can cause root rot so avoid doing this too often! With proper care and maintenance you should have no problem encouraging your tall Hedge Cactus succulent reach its maximum potential height! 


So if you're looking for tall varieties of succulents that are sure to make an impact in any garden or home, these 12 tall succulents are a great place to start! With proper care and maintenance you'll be able to enjoy their unique shape and texture for years to come. So don't wait - get growing today!

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Jasmine Cooper

Hey succulent lovers! I'm Jasmine Cooper, a self-proclaimed succulent enthusiast and the voice behind this blog. My journey into the enchanting world of succulents began with a simple yet captivating gift: a small succulent pot. Over the years, I've dedicated countless hours to reading, researching, and immersing myself in everything succulent-related. My adventures have led me to collect an array of succulent planters and products, each adding a unique story to my ever-expanding succulent tapestry. Through this blog, I aim to share the knowledge and joy these remarkable plants have brought into my life, hoping to inspire and guide fellow enthusiasts and newcomers alike on their succulent journey.

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