how often to water succulents in summer

Beat the Summer Heatwave: How often to water succulents in summer

Keeping Your Succulents Hydrated and Healthy

Summer is a tough time for succulents. The intense heat and intense sun can easily cause your succulent to dry out, leaving it vulnerable to potential distress and damage. As such, succulents need proper care during the summer season if you’re looking for them to remain healthy and vibrant in warmer months. Watering your succulent differently in the summertime is key - but how often should you do it? How much water should you be applying? In this blog post, we’ll explore the answer to these questions so that you can confidently take on hot weather as a proud super of gorgeous potted plants!

 How often to water succulents in summer

Understanding the Water Requirements of Succulents in the Summer

Succulents are a popular plant choice not only for their unique aesthetic but also for their reputation as being low-maintenance. During the summer months, however, it's important to understand the specific water requirements of these hardy plants to ensure they thrive in the heat. Succulents typically store water in their leaves and stems, making them drought-resistant.

While it may be tempting to water them frequently during hot weather, this can actually do more harm than good. Overwatering can cause rot and other issues.

Instead, it's best to allow the soil to dry out completely before watering again. In general, succulents need less water than other types of plants, especially when the temperatures are high.

How Often Should You Water Succulents in the Summer?

Generally, succulents need less water than other types of plants during hot weather. Succulents should be watered every 7-14 days. However, this may vary depending on factors like climate, humidity levels and pot size. It's important to check the soil frequently and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

Additionally, make sure you're using a potting mix especially for succulents that will help promote proper draining.

 How often to water succulents in summer
Tips for Proper Watering Techniques

As a professional gardener or landscaper, you know that proper watering is essential to keep your plants and lawn healthy. However, watering your plants is not as simple as just turning on the hose or sprinkler and walking away. To provide your plants with the right amount of water, you need to take a few things into consideration.

  1. Firstly, you need to know how much water your plants require based on their type, size, and growth stage.
  2. Secondly, you need to be aware of the weather and soil conditions to determine the most appropriate watering frequency and time of day.
  3. Lastly, you should use the right watering technique based on the type of plant and the irrigation system you are using.

Whether you are using drip irrigation, a sprinkler, bottle spray, or a hose, make sure that the water reaches the roots evenly and does not cause erosion or runoff.

Effects of Overwatering and Underwatering on Succulents During Hot Weather

Succulents are popular plants known for their ability to thrive in hot, dry conditions. However, both overwatering and underwatering can have negative effects on these resilient plants during the hot summer months.


Overwatering can lead to root rot and other diseases, as too much moisture can prevent the plant from being able to absorb necessary nutrients.


On the other hand, underwatering can cause leaves to shrivel and dry out, making the plant more susceptible to sun damage and heat stress. It is important to strike a balance between giving succulents enough water, without drowning them, in order to ensure optimal health during hot weather conditions.

As a professional expert in the field, I always recommend monitoring the soil moisture levels. Also adjusting watering habits accordingly to keep succulents healthy and happy all summer long.

 How often to water succulents in summer
Signs That Your Succulent Needs More or Less Water

As a succulent owner, it's important to understand the signs that your plant needs more or less water. Overwatering can lead to root rot, while under-watering can cause your plant to wither and die. As I said before the first sign to look out for is the succulent soil. It should be completely dry to the touch before you water it again. If the leaves begin to wilt and turn brown, this could indicate that your succulent needs more water. On the other hand, if the leaves become mushy and translucent, it may be a sign of too much water. It's essential to find the right balance for your succulent's water needs, in order to maintain its health and beauty.

How Long Should You Delay Watering After Repotting Your Succulent

After repotting your succulent, it is important to give it time to adjust before watering it again. This is because repotting can be a stressful experience for plants and can disrupt their root systems.

As a general rule, you should wait at least one week before watering your repotted succulent. During this time, it is important to monitor the soil moisture level to ensure it doesn't dry out completely. Once the one-week waiting period has passed, you can slowly start watering your succulent again. Begin with a small amount of water and gradually increase the amount over time.

succulents in the summer

Troubleshooting Common Problems with Succulents in the Summer Heat

As summer approaches, succulent enthusiasts must prepare for the heat and its potential effects on their beloved plants. While succulents are known for their ability to tolerate dry conditions, extreme temperatures can still pose a challenge. Common problems during the summer months include burning, wilting, and leaf drop. These issues can result from a multitude of factors, such as inconsistent watering or inadequate drainage. As a professional in the field, it is crucial to troubleshoot these problems and find solutions for succulent owners in need.

Can succulents live outside in summer?

Succulents can live outside in the summer as long as they are given adequate sunlight and protection from extreme temperatures. While some succulents prefer dry environments, it is important to still ensure that they receive enough water and plant food to provide them with essential nutrients. It is also recommended to select a location for your succulent that does not receive direct midday sun or intense heat for extended periods of time.

succulents in the summer
What temperature is too hot for succulents?

The temperature is too hot for succulents when it reaches temperatures over 90°F (32°C) for extended periods of time. Additionally, direct midday sunlight can also be damaging to succulents in the summer months, as the intense rays can cause burning and wilting. It's important to find an area with bright indirect light and good airflow during the hottest parts of the day when keeping your succulents outside in summer.


In conclusion, your succulent's exact water needs vary depending on the species, so it is important to research and understand what is best for each type. Succulents of all varieties need significantly less water during the summer months than in colder weather. Water deeply but infrequently so that the soil can dry out completely between waterings.

The key to keeping your succulent healthy and thriving in the summer is to be mindful and proactive about watering practices. Keeping an eye for signs that your succulent needs more or less water can prevent serious complications like overwatering or underwatering. With proper care, you can ensure your succulent stays happy and healthy throughout the entire summer season!

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Jasmine Cooper

Hey succulent lovers! I'm Jasmine Cooper, a self-proclaimed succulent enthusiast and the voice behind this blog. My journey into the enchanting world of succulents began with a simple yet captivating gift: a small succulent pot. Over the years, I've dedicated countless hours to reading, researching, and immersing myself in everything succulent-related. My adventures have led me to collect an array of succulent planters and products, each adding a unique story to my ever-expanding succulent tapestry. Through this blog, I aim to share the knowledge and joy these remarkable plants have brought into my life, hoping to inspire and guide fellow enthusiasts and newcomers alike on their succulent journey.

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