succulent bowl arrangement

How to make a succulent bowl arrangement?

Creating a succulent bowl arrangement is a great way to add some life and color to your home or garden. With just a few simple materials, you can create an eye-catching display that will last for months with minimal maintenance. Succulents are perfect for succulent bowl arrangements because they come in many shapes, sizes and colors and require very little watering.


succulent bowl

Here's a guide how to make a succulent bowl arrangement of your own!

Step 1: Gather the materials

The first step to creating a succulent bowl arrangement is to gather all of the necessary materials. You will need succulents, soil, a succulent bowl, and decorative rocks. Succulents are ideal for succulent bowls because of their wide variety in shapes, sizes, and colors. The succulent you choose will give your succulent bowl added texture, interest and color. Be sure to select succulents that are suited for the climate you live in and those that can tolerate some neglect. When it comes to soil, use a succulent potting mix or cactus mix as this allows for better drainage than regular potting soil. Additionally, succulent and cactus mixes usually contain extra minerals such as iron, magnesium and calcium which are important for succulent health and growth.

The container you select should be shallow enough so that all of the succulents fit comfortably inside with enough room for air circulation. Lastly, select some attractive rocks to add an accent feature and cover up any exposed soil at the top of the succulent bowl.

Step 2: Prepare your succulents

Before adding succulents to the succulent bowl, it is important to inspect each succulent for any dead or dying leaves. Trimming off these leaves will keep your succulents looking its best. It will also promotes healthier growth by allowing more energy and resources from the succulent to be diverted towards new growth.

When trimming succulents, use clean sharp scissors or a pair of succulent clippers in order to make precise cuts. Try close enough to the stem without damaging it. It is best to trim away any yellowing, browning or damaged leaves as soon as possible. The reason is that  they can spread disease or pests onto other parts of the succulent.

succulent bowl arrangement

Additionally, removing these excess leaves helps prevent fungal diseases from forming and encourages air circulation around the succulent’s stem. After trimming all of your succulents, immediately replant them into their container with fresh soil. This will ensure that your succulents have plenty of nutrients and water available for healthy root development and growth.


Step 3: Fill your succulent bowl

In Step 3 of making succulent bowl arrangements, the succulents must be planted in potting soil. This should be done carefully, making sure that the succulents are spaced evenly throughout the bowl. It is important to place them far enough apart so that they have room to grow and spread out. Try not too far apart so that air circulation between the succulents is still maintained.

succulent bowl

When filling up the bowl, it is best to start from the bottom and work your way up towards the top of the bowl. This is in order to ensure even distribution of soil and succulents. As you fill up the bowl with soil, make sure that each succulent has space. Try to avoid your succulents to feel crowded by other plants or restricted by lack of air circulation.

succulent bowl arrangement

Furthermore, when arranging succulents in your succulent bowl arrangement, try to create a focal point by placing taller or more colorful plants towards the centre. Try surrounding them with shorter succulents along the edges. This will create an eye-catching display that looks aesthetically pleasing from all angles. It will help draw attention to your succulent arrangement.

Once you have finished planting all of your succulents and filling your container with soil, add some decorative rocks at the top to give it a polished look before displaying it in its final location!


Step 4: Add decorative rocks

In Step 4 of succulent bowl arrangement making, decorative rocks should be added to fill in gaps between succulents and create an aesthetically pleasing design. Rocks can also provide extra drainage for succulents that require more water than others. Additionally, rocks give succulent bowl arrangements texture, depth and visual interest which helps create a stunning feature piece. When selecting rocks for your succulent bowl, opt for stones that are small enough to fit within the succulent’s existing potting soil but large enough to not get washed away by any excess water or rain.

succulent bowl arrangement

For those who want their succulent bowl to have a polished look, consider adding some colorful or shiny rocks in order to make the succulents stand out even more! Avoid using river rocks or pebbles with sharp edges as these could potentially damage succulent leaves over time.

Additionally, be sure to clean off any dirt or debris from the stones before placing them in your succulent arrangement as this prevents any fungal diseases from forming on your succulents due to contaminated soil. Lastly, use a variety of shapes and sizes when arranging the rocks in order to create an interesting design that adds visual interest while still allowing the succulents room to grow.

Step 5: Water your succulent arrangement

When it comes to succulent bowl arrangements, correctly watering succulents is vital for their survival. While succulents don't require a lot of water, they do need to be watered thoroughly in order to ensure that the succulent's roots absorb the necessary nutrients and water. When watering succulents in a succulent bowl arrangement, it is important to make sure that you are using the right amount of water and not over-watering them. Over-watering succulents can lead to root rot, which can cause them to die prematurely.

succulent bowl arrangement

For succulent bowl arrangements, it is best practice to use a spray bottle and lightly mist the succulents with water. This will ensure that each succulent's roots receive enough moisture without drowning them in too much water. Additionally, when watering succulents in your arrangement, only add water when the soil feels dry or slightly dry as this indicates that the succulents need more hydration. Furthermore, avoid watering succulents when temperatures are higher than 90 degrees Fahrenheit. This can cause increased evaporation and burn the leaves of your succulents.

Consider where you place your arrangement

It is also important to consider where you place your arrangement when deciding how often you should be watering it or how much water you should give it at once. For example, if your arrangement is located in direct sunlight or near sources of heat like radiators then they may require more frequent watering than succulents placed in shadier locations with less heat exposure. Also keep an eye out for any signs of over-watering such as yellow or brown discoloration on the leaves or leaf tips curling inward, both of which indicate that either too much water or not enough air circulation has been provided for the plants' health and wellbeing.

Consideri all these factors when caring for your succulent bowl arrangement. This way you can ensure that your plants stay healthy and alive for many years to come!

succulent bowl arrangement

Step 6: Choose where to place your succulent bowl arrangement

The final step in creating a succulent bowl arrangement is choosing the perfect spot for it. Succulents generally prefer bright, indirect sunlight and temperatures between 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit. For those who live in warmer climates, succulents may require more shade. This is in order to prevent sunburns or wilting of delicate succulent leaves. Additionally, succulents can be placed indoors near a window that receives plenty of light during the day. You should avoid any direct heat sources such as radiators or ovens to avoid over-drying out the succulent's potting soil.

When succulents are placed outdoors, they should have enough protection from harsh weather conditions.  Such as wind, rain, and extreme temperatures. Careful consideration must also be given to whether or not the succulents receive enough water throughout the day. Succulents  have different needs depending on their location. Plants placed in cooler climates may need more water than those located in a warmer climate. Furthermore, succulents should not be placed near air conditioners or open windows. This will drastically changes the humidity levels which can cause dryness on succulent leaves with prolonged exposure.

Lastly, succulents respond well to subtle changes in their environment. Rotate them every once in a while. This will give them an extra boost of energy that helps keep them healthy and vibrant!


carefully select a spot for your succulent arrangement that provides plenty of light. Don't forget to adequate protect from harsh weather conditions.  Still allow them to get enough water and fresh air throughout the day. This way you can ensure that your succulent bowl arrangement remains beautiful and thriving for years to come!

We have all of the supplies that you need for your succulent bowl arrangement:
Enjoy your beautiful creation!

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Jasmine Cooper

Hey succulent lovers! I'm Jasmine Cooper, a self-proclaimed succulent enthusiast and the voice behind this blog. My journey into the enchanting world of succulents began with a simple yet captivating gift: a small succulent pot. Over the years, I've dedicated countless hours to reading, researching, and immersing myself in everything succulent-related. My adventures have led me to collect an array of succulent planters and products, each adding a unique story to my ever-expanding succulent tapestry. Through this blog, I aim to share the knowledge and joy these remarkable plants have brought into my life, hoping to inspire and guide fellow enthusiasts and newcomers alike on their succulent journey.

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