succulent wall diy

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Succulent Wall DIY

Do you want to bring a touch of nature into your home? If so, then creating a succulent wall DIY is the perfect way to do it! Succulents are low-maintenance plants that come in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. With this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to create a beautiful succulent wall with ease. From gathering supplies to arranging succulents and enjoying the end result - we’ll show you everything you need to know about making your very own succulent wall DIY!

1. Choose your succulents

succulents for a succulent wall

When selecting succulents for your succulent wall DIY, there are many factors to consider. First and foremost, determine what type of succulent you want to use. Popular succulent varieties include aloe vera, jade plant, kalanchoe, echeveria, haworthia and more. Consider their shapes and sizes when deciding which succulents will work best for your succulent wall DIY project.

Also think about the range of colors that you would like to include in your succulent wall design. Combining different shades of greens and blues can create a stunning visual effect, while warm yellows and oranges can bring a cheerful vibe to any room. Moreover, be aware of the different growth rates of succulents. Some may grow faster than others which could require more frequent trimmings or replantings down the line.

If you plan on displaying the succulent wall outdoors then keep in mind the climate conditions it will be exposed to as certain succulents do better in certain climates than others.

Taking all these factors into consideration when selecting succulents will ensure that you get a beautiful succulent wall in the end!

2. Choose your wooden frame or container

When creating a succulent wall DIY, it’s important to consider the materials that you’ll need. The most popular choice is to get a wooden frame or container for your succulent wall. Wooden frames are great because they give you the opportunity to create an aesthetically pleasing succulent wall with the dimensions of your choice. You can mount succulents directly onto the frame without having to worry about water drainage since succulents don’t require much water. However, wooden frames can be more expensive and require more maintenance than other containers.


Alternatively, using a container is also an option when constructing a succulent wall DIY. Using a pot or planter allows easier access for watering and caring for the succulents. It also gives you more flexibility with design since containers come in various shapes and sizes. However, using containers may mean that some succulents will have to be planted in soil rather than being attached directly to the frame which requires more frequent watering and maintenance as well as ensuring proper drainage.

Ultimately, it all comes down to personal preference when deciding if you want a wooden frame or container for your succulent wall DIY project!

3.Gather necessary supplies

Once you have selected succulents for your succulent wall DIY project, the next step is to gather the necessary supplies. Depending on whether you’ve chosen a wooden frame or container, you will need different items.

For a wooden frame succulent wall DIY, you will need wood screws and other hardware to attach your succulents onto the frame. You will also require soil and succulent cuttings or plants – depending on how permanent you want your succulents to be. If using succulent cuttings, these should be pre-soaked in water before placing them onto the wooden frame. This ensures that they take root into the soil and start to grow properly. Additionally, if hanging your succulent wall then hardware for mounting it onto a wall is also necessary.

If opting for a container succulent wall DIY then soil is an absolute must as this is where your succulents will be planted into. Potting mix or garden soil are both good options as long as there is sufficient drainage for water to pass through easily. Otherwise this can cause root rot in succulents over time.

Furthermore, if using succulent plants then these should be carefully removed from their containers and replanted in the new potting mix with care taken not to damage their roots when transferring them over. Other materials needed may include planting tools such as shovels and trowels, watering cans and spray bottles for misting succulents with water, and gloves for protecting hands when handling prickly cacti or sharp leaves of some species of succulents.

By having all of these supplies ready beforehand, creating a stunning succulent wall DIY can become much easier and less time consuming!

4. Prepare your succulents

When creating a succulent wall DIY, it’s important to make sure that the succulents are properly prepared before planting them.

Without proper preparation, succulents may not take root in the soil and could even die due to improper care. This can be an expensive mistake for those who have invested time and money into their succulent wall DIY project.

To ensure that your succulents thrive, you should trim off any dead leaves or stems. Do this before planting them in the soil or attaching them to a wooden frame. Additionally, if using succulent cuttings then they should be soaked in water. This should be done for at least an hour prior to planting. This helps promote healthy growth of roots when placed into the soil. 

5. Plant your succulents

Planting succulents is a crucial step when it comes to succulent wall DIYs and should not be rushed through.

First, it’s important to make sure you have enough space for each succulent so that they can spread out and thrive without becoming overcrowded. Depending on the size of your succulent wall project, you may need to measure the area first before planting the succulents to ensure there’s enough room for them all.

Once you have decided where each succulent will go, it’s time to start planting! For succulents that have been trimmed from a cutting (or if your using individual succulent plants). Make sure that the roots are well-covered with soil when planting them into their designated spots. If opting for a wooden frame succulent wall DIY, then attaching the succulents directly onto the frame is recommended as this allows for greater flexibility with design. When doing this, use wood screws or other hardware to securely attach each succulent. Just be sure not to damage any of its roots in the process!

Finally, once all the succulents are planted properly into their own spots with enough room to grow and thrive, it's time to water them accordingly. Depending on your succulent species and climate conditions, you may need to water your succulents more or less frequently. Just be sure not to overwater them as this can cause root rot and lead to plant death. Once you’ve established a good watering system (which may involve using an automatic irrigation system depending on your situation) then you’re ready to enjoy your beautiful succulent wall!

6. Secure the wall

Once succulents have been planted properly, the next step in succulent wall DIY is to secure it to a wall. This can be done with nails or screws depending on what material you used for your succulent wall. If succulents are attached to a wooden frame, then screws should be used as this ensures that each succulent is properly secured and won't come loose over time. Additionally, make sure that the screws or nails used for attaching the succulent wall to a wall are long enough so that they don't penetrate through the succulent's root system – doing so could cause damage to your succulents and lead to plant death.

If using bricks or concrete as an anchor for your succulent wall DIY project, then it's best to use nails as these will provide more support and stability when firmly driven into place. Furthermore, when hammering nails into brick or concrete walls, it’s important not to hit them too hard as this could result in cracks forming in the surface of the material. To ensure your succulent wall stays securely attached to its intended surface, use a rubber mallet instead of a traditional hammer when pounding nails into place; this will help minimize any potential damage while still ensuring that each nail is firmly driven into its designated spot.

Overall, securing succulents onto a wall can seem intimidating at first, but with proper preparation and care taken beforehand it can become much easier than expected! With careful consideration taken when deciding which method of attachment is best for a particular succulent wall DIY project – such as using either screws or nails depending on what material is being used – it's possible to ensure your succulent wall stays securely attached while also preventing any unwanted damages from occurring in the process.

7. Water regularly

Keeping succulents alive and thriving can be difficult, especially when it comes to succulent walls. It's important to water succulents regularly, but this can be tricky as too much water can lead to root rot and plant death.

Its important to keep your succulent wall watered without risking root rot or other damage. Make sure to only give them enough water for their roots to absorb – not too little or too much! Additionally, use an automatic irrigation system if possible. You don't have to worry about manually watering each succulent every day. With proper care taken when watering your succulent wall, you'll be able to enjoy its beauty for years!


Creating a succulent wall DIY is an enjoyable and rewarding project that can be done by anyone. With the right materials, tools, and knowledge. By following our step-by-step guide, you'll have all the information needed to build your very own succulent wall in no time! From preparing the surface of your succulents for planting to securely attaching them onto a wall. This guide will help ensure success when creating your succulent masterpiece. With regular watering and care taken into consideration throughout its life cycle, there's nothing stopping you from enjoying a beautiful living succulent wall for years to come!

Enjoy! – admire your beautiful new succulent wall DIY creation!

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Jasmine Cooper

Hey succulent lovers! I'm Jasmine Cooper, a self-proclaimed succulent enthusiast and the voice behind this blog. My journey into the enchanting world of succulents began with a simple yet captivating gift: a small succulent pot. Over the years, I've dedicated countless hours to reading, researching, and immersing myself in everything succulent-related. My adventures have led me to collect an array of succulent planters and products, each adding a unique story to my ever-expanding succulent tapestry. Through this blog, I aim to share the knowledge and joy these remarkable plants have brought into my life, hoping to inspire and guide fellow enthusiasts and newcomers alike on their succulent journey.

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