plants for mini terrarium

Meet Your 6 must-have plants for mini terrarium for a Healthy and Happy succulent terrarium

Creating a mini terrarium filled with beautiful succulent plants for mini terrarium is an easy and fun way to add some life and color to any space! Succulents come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures. This makes them perfect for creating stunning miniature gardens that require minimal care.

From Echeveria to Haworthia to Sempervivums and Crassulas. There are plenty of plants for you to choose from when planning your mini terrarium. With the right soil mix, container size, and position near bright but indirect light sources such as windows or skylights, you'll be able to create a successful garden full of healthy and happy succulents that will bring life into any home or office environment!
plants for mini terrarium

Succulent care and why it’s important

Taking care of succulents is a great way to bring life and beauty into your home. Succulent plants are incredibly resilient, and they can thrive for years in any environment with the right care.

Creating a mini terrarium with 6 essential succulent varieties. This is an easy and rewarding way to get started caring for these amazing plants. You will have beautiful greenery indoors or outdoors. Learn how to provide optimal conditions for healthy growth so that your mini terrarium stays vibrant and happy over time.

With proper knowledge about soil, drainage, light exposure, watering frequency, and other aspects of succulent care, it's possible to create a successful miniature terrarium garden. This mini terrarium will add color and texture while enhancing the air quality in your living space.

 plants for mini terrarium

The benefits of having a mini terrarium with succulents

Mini terrariums are perfect for succulents since these hardy plants require minimal maintenance. You can easily choose the ones that best fit your space’s light levels, temperature needs, and water requirements. Moreover, some succulent varieties offer interesting variations in leaf shape and color that bring eye-catching interest to any mini terrarium.

No matter which plants you choose for your miniature terrarium, they will not only add beauty but also help maintain healthy air quality inside your home. It will remove pollutants such as formaldehyde. Plus, benzene from the air.

Succulents also thrive on natural sunlight. Try to place your mini terrarium close to a window or other bright spot without direct sunlight exposure.

 plants for mini terrarium

Q&A about plants for mini terrarium

Q: How long do mini terrariums last?

Mini terrariums can last for years with the right care. Regular trimming and pruning of overgrown plants is necessary to keep your mini terrarium looking healthy and vibrant.

Additionally, check the soil moisture levels weekly. Water lightly when needed according to the type of plants you are growing. Fertilizer should also be applied every few months or so to provide essential nutrients needed for strong growth.


Q: What is miniature terrarium?

A miniature terrarium is a vessel filled with soil and a variety of succulent plants. It can be enjoyed indoors or outdoors. Miniature terrariums offer the same benefits as larger-scale terrariums:

  • They help purify air quality
  • Add texture and color to living spaces
  • Create an ideal environment for hardy succulent plants that require minimal maintenance.

The only difference between regular-size terrariums and mini versions is the smaller scale of the latter.


Q: Do tiny terrariums work?

Yes, tiny terrariums work! When the right plants are chosen for your mini terrarium. The environment is kept in optimal conditions, miniature terrariums can offer all of the same benefits as larger-scale terrariums.

Tiny succulents that work well in a mini terrarium include echeverias, haworthias, sedums, sempervivums, Sansevieria trifasciata (snake plant), and Crassula Ovata (jade plant). These varieties require minimal care and do best when placed near windows or other bright spots with indirect sunlight exposure.

The key is keeping the environment humid enough for the succulents to thrive without becoming too wet. And of course, adding regular fertilization can be beneficial for all types of succulent plants.
plants for mini terrarium

Q: Does a terrarium need to breathe?

Yes, a terrarium needs to breathe. It is important that air can circulate freely in and out of the terrarium. So that the plants can take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.

This balance is essential for the healthy growth of succulent plants. If there is not enough airflow, the terrarium will become stagnant with poor-quality air which can inhibit root growth or even kill an entire plant.

Regularly inspecting and trimming overgrown vegetation or replacing soil if necessary also helps keep the environment breathable inside your mini terrarium.

Q: What is the difference between vivarium and terrarium?

The key difference between a vivarium and a terrarium is the type of animal that inhabits it. A vivarium is designed to house living animals such as reptiles, amphibians, fish, or insects. A terrarium, on the other hand, is an enclosed environment with soil and plants without any living animals.

Vivaria are typically bigger in size than a terrarium. They can accommodate larger species. However, some people keep tiny terrariums for small reptiles or amphibians too. Additionally, many people use vivaria to grow plants like exotic ferns or carnivorous plants. In contrast, a terrarium usually contains succulents or other low-maintenance plant varieties as its main occupants.

Both habitats require proper maintenance and care to maintain healthy conditions within them. However, because there are no live animals in a terrarium it can be easier to manage in terms of regular cleanings and monitoring for pests or diseases.

All in all both habitats make great additions to your home and create unique ecological systems that will look beautiful while providing hours of enjoyment!
terrarium container

Q: What's the difference between a terrarium and a tank?

The main difference between a terrarium and a tank is their primary purpose. A terrarium is an enclosed space, typically made of glass or plastic, that contains soil, water, and plants. This type of habitat recreates the environment needed for the health and growth of these living things.

A tank, on the other hand, generally holds animals like reptiles and fish that require different types of food and maintenance than plants in a terrarium. The size and design of tanks also vary greatly depending on the type of animal being kept inside them. Most terrariums are smaller in size because they are designed to contain only plants.

Additionally, tanks usually need some form of filtration system to maintain clean water levels whereas terrariums don't require this additional component as they already have an encased climate perfect for plant life!

Q: Why put mesh in the terrarium?

Putting mesh in a terrarium is important because it allows for better air circulation while keeping the soil and plants contained inside. Mesh also helps keep out pests or other small critters that can damage the plants.

Additionally, adding mesh to a terrarium can help stop soil particles. This is from entering the environment outside of your mini terrarium. This will make sure you don't get soil on other objects and furniture. As well as prevent any potential risk of introducing an invasive species into your home.

Lastly, putting mesh in a terrarium makes sure the plants stay secure. Without having to use any additional materials that may be harmful to them.

Overall, having mesh in your mini terrarium ensures healthy plant growth over time. With minimal effort required on your part!

Q: Do terrariums go Moldy?

Yes, terrariums can go moldy if they are not cared for properly. If the air cannot circulate freely inside the terrarium, there is a chance of moisture and humidity forming which can cause mold to grow on the plants or walls of your mini terrarium.

To avoid this from happening, it is important to make sure that there is enough airflow by regularly trimming and pruning overgrown plants or adding ventilation holes in the lid of your container. Additionally, using appropriate succulent varieties known for their low-maintenance requirements when choosing plants for your mini terrarium will greatly reduce the chances of mold forming in its environment.

Q: What not to do with a succulent terrarium?

When it comes to caring for a succulent terrarium, it is important to remember not to overwater the plants. Too much water can cause root rot which can then lead to yellowing leaves or other signs of stress in the plants.

Additionally, it's also important not to expose your mini terrarium to too much sunlight as this can dry out the soil and damage the plants inside. Lastly, when considering what not to do with a succulent terrarium, make sure that you don't introduce any foreign objects such as rocks or wood chips since these materials could contain parasites or bacteria that may be harmful to your plants.

Q: Is glass or plastic terrarium better?

Glass terrariums are generally better suited for succulent terrariums. They tend to maintain humidity better than plastic. However, keep in mind that glass can become quite hot if placed in direct sunlight and this could harm the plants. Plastic terrariums are cheaper and lighter, but don't hold moisture as well as glass ones and also have a tendency to become brittle after prolonged use.

In either case, it is important to properly maintain your succulent terrarium by giving your plants access to light and proper soil conditions. Like, sandy soil with good drainage. They can thrive without becoming too wet. And of course, adding regular fertilization can be beneficial for all types of succulent plants.

Q: How long can a terrarium last without water?

The amount of time a terrarium can last without water depends on the types of plants growing inside it. Typically, succulent and cacti terrariums are able to survive in dry soils for up to one month with minimal watering.

Additionally, regular fertilization is necessary to ensure your plants stay healthy and hydrated even when there isn’t enough moisture in the soil.

To maximize your plant’s chances of survival through periods of drought, it is best practice to choose low-maintenance succulent varieties when creating your mini terrarium!

Q: How do terrariums not run out of co2?

Terrariums don't run out of CO2 because the plants inside them produce their own oxygen. As long as the terrarium is provided with enough sunlight and water, the plants will produce enough oxygen that no additional carbon dioxide is necessary to keep it balanced.

Additionally, many terrarium plants like succulents also have adapted over time to store more water in their leaves which allows them to survive for longer periods without needing supplemental CO2 from outside sources. To make sure your terrarium remains healthy, choose a succulent plant variety, and provide adequate hydration and light when caring for your mini ecosystem!

The six must-have plants for your mini terrarium are:

Sedum Succulents

Sedum is an easy-to-care-for genus of succulents that come in both low-growing varieties and tall columnar varieties that look great in containers and mini terrariums. Plant sedums in gritty cactus mix if used for indoor growing, as this type of well-draining soil will help prevent root rot caused by overwatering. Place these succulents in bright, indirect light in order to encourage growth. For more information on sedum succulent care click here.

 Sedum succulent


The echeveria family of succulents is known for its beautiful rosettes and wide variety of colors, making it a popular choice for mini terrariums indoors or outdoors. When planting echeveria, be sure to use well drained soil and make sure the container has appropriate drainage holes to avoid root rot from overwatering. It’s also important to provide echeverias with enough light but not too much direct sunlight exposure so as not to burn their leaves.

 Echeveria succulent


Haworthia is a unique type of succulent with unusual leaf patterns and shapes that instantly add interest to any miniature garden setup. Like other succulents, haworthias need well draining soil to prevent rot caused by too much water, so mix in some sand or pumice into the potting mix for best results when planting them in containers or terrariums indoors or outdoors. Bright but indirect light is ideal to keep haworthias happy and healthy over time.

 Haworthia succulent


Sempervivums are hardy perennial succulents also known as hens & chicks because they produce clusters of baby plants (chicks) around the mother plant (hen).

This makes them great plants for creating interesting miniature terrarium gardens since multiple Sempervivums can fill up your container quickly while providing lots of color variation at the same time!

Plant Sempervivums in sandy potting mix and give them plenty of sun exposure to keep them healthy over time. However, take care not to leave them out in scorching summer heat which can burn their delicate foliage quickly!


Sempervivum succulents | terrarium


Crassulas are gorgeous trailing succulents that make excellent additions to any mini garden due to their colorful foliage and small size perfect for tight spaces such as hanging baskets or planters on shelves or tabletops indoors or outdoors!

When planting crassulas, use peat moss-based potting mix with added gravel or perlite mixed into it for better drainage. Place these plants near a bright window but away from direct sunlight exposure for the best results over time!


Crassula succulent | terrarium plant

Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata)

Last but certainly not least on our list of must have plants for your mini terrarium is the jade plant (crassula ovata). when it grows slowly, this classic houseplant will eventually become an evergreen shrub that can give your space a tropical feel.

jade plant


How to properly plant each type of succulent in your mini terrarium

Planting succulents in a mini terrarium requires careful consideration of several important elements.

Soil for your mini terrarium

First, choose the right soil mix for your plants. Good succulent soil should be light and well-draining with plenty of air pockets. Combining fine gravel, organic materials like compost or worm castings, and quality potting mix will give your succulents the perfect home in their terrarium.

Choosing a container

Next, you’ll need to choose the right container for your plants. Depending on the size and type of succulents you are planting, a clear glass bowl or jar, a shallow dish, hanging planters or even an old fish tank could be excellent options for creating your mini terrarium.

Choosing your succulent plants 

  • When it comes to choosing plants for mini terrarium, sedums are great because they come in both low-growing varieties. As well as tall columnar types that look great in containers.
  • Echeveria is another popular choice thanks to its wide variety of colors and leaf shapes. Echeveria will bring eye-catching interest to any miniature garden.
  • Haworthia is a unique type of succulent known for its unusual leaf patterns.
  • Sempervivums are hardy perennials with clusters of baby plants around the mother plant. Making them ideal for creating interesting miniature gardens.
  • Crassulas are beautiful trailing succulents that make excellent additions to any mini garden. This is due to their colorful foliage and small size perfect for tight spaces. They fit great as hanging baskets or planters on shelves or tabletops indoors or outdoors!
  • Lastly Jade Plant (Crassula Ovata) is an evergreen shrub that can give your space a tropical feel. It's important when kept in the right environment.

Layering your mini terrarium

 Once you’ve chosen the right container and soil mix, it’s time to start planting your succulents! Make sure each plant has enough room by placing them far enough apart from one another. So they don’t get crowded out when they start growing vigorously over time.

It also helps if you add some rocks at the bottom of the container. First, so water can drain away easily from each plant's roots without causing root rot caused by overwatering.

Once you have everything ready, gently remove each succulent from its potting container. Place it into the new soil mix where you want it in your mini terrarium before filling around each root ball with additional soil mixture if necessary.

Water thoroughly after planting. Remember that all types of succulents require less water than other houseplants. Avoid overwatering at all costs!

With these tips and tricks, you'll be able to create a successful miniature garden. Filled with healthy and happy succulents that will bring life and beauty into any space!



Creating a mini terrarium with succulents is an exciting way to bring life and color into your home or garden. With the right container, soil mix, plants, and watering routine, you can easily create beautiful miniature gardens. That will thrive over time! From echeverias for their colorful rosettes. To haworthias for their unusual leaf patterns and crassulas for their trailing foliage.

There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing plants for your mini terrarium. Whether you’re just starting out on this journey or need some tips on how to keep your existing collection healthy and happy - these steps should help get you started in creating gorgeous living art pieces that will last for years!


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Jasmine Cooper

Hey succulent lovers! I'm Jasmine Cooper, a self-proclaimed succulent enthusiast and the voice behind this blog. My journey into the enchanting world of succulents began with a simple yet captivating gift: a small succulent pot. Over the years, I've dedicated countless hours to reading, researching, and immersing myself in everything succulent-related. My adventures have led me to collect an array of succulent planters and products, each adding a unique story to my ever-expanding succulent tapestry. Through this blog, I aim to share the knowledge and joy these remarkable plants have brought into my life, hoping to inspire and guide fellow enthusiasts and newcomers alike on their succulent journey.

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